Kanye West has once again made waves with his recent exposé on Kris Jenner’s boyfriend, Corey Gamble, alleging ties to Diddy and potential involvement as a celebrity “handler.” West’s claims have brought attention to Gamble’s murky past and his alleged connections to high-profile figures in Hollywood and beyond.

According to West, Gamble was intimately involved with Kim Porter and Diddy, even being present at Porter’s home when authorities arrived following her sudden passing. West’s social media posts have highlighted his suspicions about Gamble’s character, referring to him as “Godless” and suggesting he should never have been in the picture.

Kanye EXPOSES Kris Jenner & Corey Gamble For Helping Diddy | Corey's a  HANDLER?!

West’s allegations have sparked speculation about Gamble’s role in Hollywood and his relationship with the Kardashian-Jenner family. Despite being romantically linked to Kris Jenner for years, Gamble’s background and intentions remain largely unknown.

Gamble’s frequent appearances alongside A-list celebrities, including Diddy, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, and Ellen DeGeneres, have raised eyebrows, leading some to question his true motives and connections within the industry.

Kanye West BLASTS Kris Jenner's BF Corey Gamble After Sharing Cheating  Allegations, Calls Him 'Not A Great Person' - Perez Hilton

Furthermore, West’s remarks about “handlers” in Hollywood have fueled theories that individuals like Gamble may have covert roles tied to government agencies, potentially influencing celebrities and promoting certain political agendas.

West’s ongoing scrutiny of Gamble dates back to 2019 when he expressed concerns about not meeting Gamble’s family and questioned his motives. Subsequent incidents, including Gamble’s controversial statements about disciplining children and his alleged obsession with Kylie Jenner, have only added fuel to the fire.

Moreover, West’s suggestion that Gamble played a role in connecting Kim Kardashian with liberal circles, potentially linked to corporations like Dupont, has added another layer of intrigue to the story.

While West’s claims may seem outrageous at first glance, his track record of being ahead of the curve on certain issues has led many to take his allegations seriously. As the spotlight continues to shine on Gamble and his connections, the truth behind his role in Hollywood and his ties to influential figures remains to be fully revealed.